Course Description

This Samhain: 

With the Full Moon and with Samhain there's an ancestor healing. 

There's so much wisdom within you, within your family line and coming from the wisdom of the land. 

At this time the ancestral energies want to come forward.

They want to teach and share wisdom of the land. 

For centuries the old folk and those having lived in close proximity with nature understand the laws of the land. 

This wisdom is forgotten by many.

It goes unused.
Or it's put aside as fairytales. 

Life was always a cooperation with nature.
Not a ruling.
Nor a battle. 

This Samhain you will connect with ancestors of the land.
Your own ancestors.
The guardians of your family line. 

Those on the other side and those with a message for you to step forward. 

If you feel called to come join the closing of the year energy: please do so 

Replay available for a month after.
Date: 31st of October
Time: 18:30 Central European. 

You can do this at any time. If you join, your energy is in the circle. 

Merry meet dear Sisters and Brothers.

What others say about the Moon Work and Circle: 

"I have just finished the Dark Moon Healing Meditation. Wow! It was such a gentle and intense experience."

"You soooo inspire. I like that you tell it like it is". 

"Thank you so much! I just completed this Dark Moon Healing and I saw everything that you spoke of before you mentioned it. Everything! I felt so much release. Again, thank you!" 

"This is such great knowledge of the Real Moon Cycles. Thank you". 

Moon Cycle work is what I've done since my early 20's. It changed EVERYTHING and attuned me to living from the Inside.

Your divine guidance, your inner voice, your wisdom, knowing and peacefulness is all present from within. The Moon helps you listen.

Spiritual coach, teacher, published author

Laura Diane Soer

Laura Soer is a practical spirituality coach that helps people connect to their authentic self and authentic creativity, so decisions come from you and you are connected to your own power. She has 25+ years spiritual experience and learned from Shaman, Druid and Wiccan teachers. She worked over 16 years as a high profile magazine and newspaper journalist for titles like Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan (and has a journalism degree), was co-author of a travel guide, has taught creative writing and is a certified Life Coach. Work with me one on one: Clarity readings, Akashic Healing, Clear Blocks, Alignment and more on As a coach I approach your questions on all levels and layers; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. That combination will transform things for you. In life and in business.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Healing + Link

    • Link Saturday, 31st of October. Password: healing

    • Information on the Samhain Gathering


  • 2

    Channeled Message

    • Channeled message from the elders

  • 3

    Articles on Earth Wisdom

    • 2020: The New Earth Grid

    • 2019: Creating Space for the Ancient traditions

    • Beginning 2020: The Fires and the Elders of the Land

  • 4

    Mini Video's: Samhain Preparation

    • 6 Mini-Video's on setting up Sacred Space with Samhain

  • 5


    • REPLAY

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