Course Description

This workshop will take you from frustrated, overwhelmed and burdened to feeling calm, clear and lighter in just 60 minutes. 

> Expect a shift and a release of energy, that helps you get really clear on what you do want for yourself.

> Includes Energy Healing 

> Learn Magick Tools you can apply each time you desire release 

What others said: "It was a wonderful workshop as always. Feeling much calmer."

Release and taking the time to release is a powerful tool to have in your magical tool kit.

Too often the tendency is to carry on and pile on more of what is unwanted.

Even if a lot of what is being carried is unpleasant, frustrating and not at all serving you. 

The first thing you’ll learn in this workshop is to take yourself seriously. 

If you are feeling at all misunderstood or if you feel people are not listening to you or you feel you are not truly being heard, then I'd love to ask you this question. "Could it be possible that YOU HAVE NOT BEEN LISTENING TO YOURSELF?"

The universe has a tendency to show us how we interact with ourselves.

If your answer is yes or maybe, then don’t worry, because this is unfortunately common.

Common, because EMOTIONS will tell you what’s truly going on with you.

Many of us have been trained to not take what we feel seriously or have learned it’s best to suppress our feelings.  

So you may have downsized the importance of what has been coming up for you.

And ignored what is truth to you.

In this workshop you’ll learn to take yourself seriously and truly listen to what YOU have to say.

What to expect?

+ You will get really clear on what's not working for you, how to recognise this and you’ll get the opportunity to actively CHOOSE to release it.
+ You will receive a healing that will help you RELEASE a lot of baggage 

+ You will receive easy magic tips to work with whenever you do want release 

+ You will learn why Release is part of the natural cycle of life and creation and how it can serve you

+ AND you’ll leave with practical steps you can take right now (and every time you desire to work on release).

And then you are invited to act upon that.

Here's some of the comments received:

"It was a wonderful workshop as always. Feeling much calmer."

"I have been purging a lot of old emotions and sadness."

Spiritual coach, teacher, published author Laura Diane Soer

Laura Soer is a practical spirituality coach that helps people connect to their authentic self and authentic creativity, so decisions come from you and you are connected to your own power. She has 25+ years spiritual experience and learned from Shaman, Druid and Wiccan teachers. She worked over 16 years as a high profile magazine and newspaper journalist for titles like Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan (and has a journalism degree), was co-author of a travel guide, has taught creative writing and is a certified Life Coach. Work with me one on one: Clarity readings, Akashic Healing, Clear Blocks, Alignment and more on As a coach I approach your questions on all levels and layers; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. That combination will transform things for you. In life and in business.

Course curriculum

    1. How to work with this workshop

    2. ReleaseMidnightMagicworkshop

    3. Your worksheets

About this course

  • €97,00
  • 3 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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