Course Description

The Divine Feminine workshop is a high energy clearing workshop around sexuality and feeling more comfortable with your own body. 

So many women are confused about their sexuality and so many women have suffered abuse and harassment. As a society we are all moving towards a MASSIVE REBALANCING of the Masculine & Feminine energies. If you are new to this type of energy work you'll feel the need to work with The Divine Feminine first. That’s because to rebalance the Feminine and Masculine there’s a need to restore that what you (and our female ancestors) have been deprived from for so long first.

And on the topic of sexuality that means that matters of inequality, abuse, shame, self-blame, guilt need to be upped and outed.

This workshop assists with clearing any past life vows relating to Chastity, The "Spiritual Virgin Archetype" and allows you to "hand over" sexual experiences you no longer want to carry. If you carry this energy it can make you uncomfortable with sexuality and even prevent stepping into relationships.

You'll also receive a bonus Mary Magdalene meditation to help you heal suppressed parts around the Divine Feminine & Female qualities.

Mary Magdalene is specifically helpful in overcoming matters of (sexual) abuse and women being unheard, unseen, unvalued  and treated differently based on gender.

This workshop is for you if…

>> You desire to reconnect and honour your Feminine Self

>> You would like to feel more comfortable with your body and more confident in expressing your sexuality

>> You desire to feel more trusting towards a sexual partner

>> You would love to surrender into love and sex without worry about being weird, not being sexual enough, coming across as TOO sexual and more

>> You feel the Societal “Goddess wound” of being judged for expressing sexuality based on your gender.

>> You simply no longer want to hide your sexual self, because of past sexual wounds and are ready to open to healing these parts of yourself.

>> You are ready to release shame and self-blame in regards to sexuality

>>>>>Oh my Goddess, sign me up Laura!<<<<  

This workshop is kept SAFE and assists you in opening up the energy. You can work through it in your own pace and have lifetime access.

As a spiritual life coach, teacher and healer I am here for the ENERGY SIDE of things and shift that for you in a way you are ready for.

This workshop is not for you if...

>> You expect me to be Samantha from Sex and the City

>> You hope to receive the hottest tips for lengthy orgasms

>> Hope this is Tantra 101

(I will however include a list with recommend resources on this) 

I get clients results with holding the space for healing and shifting the energy and I’ve been working with the Goddess Energy for more than two decades. She is a powerful companion on healing and empowerment journeys. Clients who have Akashic healing with me feel miraculous shifts and meditations I offer can shift years of old emotions.

Don't take my word for it though. Here’s what clients say about my work:



I believe healing wounds relating to a patriarchal society is a necessary step in the Return of the Divine Feminine. On top of that Healing the self ALWAYS heals the society at large. Rest assured that #metoo was no mistake. It was a truth that needed to be brought into light and be heard at large. That's how healing starts.

What is unseen, unspoken and buried in the minds of many needs to come out first. Only by shining light of awareness you start the process of transformation.

Allow yourself to start restoring the values of the Divine Feminine, which relates to feeling empathy, humanity, connection and more. For that there needs to be a tending of the own wounds relating to the Patriarchy first.  

What a collective of VIRGIN GODDESSES HAD TO SAY:

“Centuries of Abuse must now be healed. Against our mothers, the Virgins, the Brides…
We will vengeance and conquer. As our sisters were hurt and harmed.
Now is the time to come clean.”

Are you ready to work with the Goddess Energy?

This workshop can be your first step to experiencing more connection and more pleasure with your partner. Or maybe even opening up to the idea of having a partner again.

You can experience MORE TRUST with others and daring to TRUST yourself and yourself more and more.

“Connecting to your personal power opens the path to trust. Getting there is all about tapping in the own internal source.”
(Quote: Divine Masculine channeling)

Let's tap into the feeling of aliveness sexuality can bring into your life.

It does not matter if you do it “solo” or with a partner.

It’s a natural part of you that you can choose to use or not use.

As long as it’s choice.

And not coming from feeling ashamed.

Wishing you a beautiful healing journey. 

>>I'm in, Laura<<

You will get:
+ The High Energy Clearing workshop (recorded)
+ Worksheets
+ Mary Magdalene Bonus meditation
+ Information on how to work with Mary Magdalene
+ Loving your body ritual suggestions

+ Divine Feminine Video
+ Connect to the Goddess meditation
+ A resource sheet for more sexual healing and allowing yourself more pleasure
+ Links to more Divine Feminine info
+ And you can even get this workshop AS A FREE BONUS with my other healing programs (coupon inside)

Spiritual coach, teacher, published author Laura Diane Soer

Laura Soer is a practical spirituality coach that helps people connect to their authentic self and authentic creativity, so decisions come from you and you are connected to your own power. She has 25+ years spiritual experience and learned from Shaman, Druid and Wiccan teachers. She worked over 16 years as a high profile magazine and newspaper journalist for titles like Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan (and has a journalism degree), was co-author of a travel guide, has taught creative writing and is a certified Life Coach. Work with me one on one: Clarity readings, Akashic Healing, Clear Blocks, Alignment and more on As a coach I approach your questions on all levels and layers; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. That combination will transform things for you. In life and in business.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Sacred Sexuality Clearing Workshop

    3. PDF: The message of Mary Magdalene

    4. BONUS: Mary Magdalene Meditation

    5. Ritual suggestion to send your body LOVE

    1. Video: Embracing the gifts of the Divine Feminine

    2. Article: The Moon as a portal to the (Inner) Goddess

    3. More on Empowered Sexuality? Here's a Resource list

    4. Meditation: Connect to the Goddess

    5. Loved this? Save $19 on 7 Days of Goddesses (that's right, you then received this workshop for FREE!)

About this course

  • €19,00
  • 10 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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