Course Description
The 4-week program on emotional healing & well-being will give you highly beneficial tools that you can use for the rest of your life.
Especially if you are an intuitive or someone living life through the emotional lens then the information you receive is invaluable. And you don't have to figure out the blueprint of the emotional body over the years. I'll hand it to you right now.
And I promise it will make everything sooooo much easier!
A lot of emotional beings tend to be confused by their feelings and those of others. And as healers, empaths and compassionate people you may have thought it's all your doing. It's not true. Society never validated feelings much. So you never learned their meaning.
All feeling you have are very valuable. In fact they are your own special super power tool to highlight your own, best fitting road in life.
They show you the easiest way and are the gateway to a deep connection with the self.
It's likely you do not see them as positive.
Instead you may often get distracted or "overtaken" by them and they run your day. It's just because you are still learning to work with them and never learned their messages. You simply didn't have the tools.
You can have those now! Because your feelings are never the enemy. They are there to tell you things. You don't have to derail and get distracted by them.
If you learn to work with them instead it can bring so much more ease and flow in your life. And most of all feeling very contented with who you are and where you are at in your life.
In this 4-week course you'll learn:
+ How to work with your emotions.
+ Recognise if it's old hurt and how to heal it if is.
+ Understand what your emotions are trying to tell you and release attachment to them so you are in control and do not get overwhelmed on how you feel.
The group will be small (max 8 people)
I have long worked with a system of 4 emotions (it's now actually been confirmed by psychology (they used to work with 6 basic ones). Over the 16 years I worked in journalism I've got to see and hear all about inner motives and drives (that come from the subconscious mind). And in my spiritual work I got to learn and practice all about shadow work.
This 4-week course has 4 calls in which you'll learn what your emotions try to tell you, how to heal the parts that are not contributing to outcomes you desire and reset the energy.
This is what I do for clients in subconscious surgery sessions and you will have a very powerful, lifelong tool that allows you to take charge of emotions and help you be in the flow.
These are also basics that activate the law of attraction.
Your feelings determine your frequency.
The better you feel, the easier things are for you.
The more you are able to work with them, the better your decision making and long term outcomes.
I'm keeping this group very small on purpose. So it's a safe place for all.
PM me if you want to join this course.
Here's what some of the past participants say about this course:
Spiritual coach, teacher, published author Laura Diane Soer
Course curriculum
The 4 core emotions
Audio Introduction to the course
Meditation to reconnect with your body (and the emotional body)
Laser focussed recording on Anger Basics
Anger cheat sheet
Bonus: anger exercise; a ritual for anger release
Bonus: How to work with the anger exercise audio
Video Call 1
Week 2 Introduction
Laser focussed audio on Sadness
Sadness Cheat Sheet
Bonus: dealing with loss and grief
Bonus: processing sadness bathing ritual
Bonus Core Emotion info: Other people's stuff or mine
Video Call 02
Laser focussed recording on Fear
Fear cheatsheet
Video call 03
Bonus: Go through Fear Exercise
Bonus: How a sense of security relates to the Root Chakra
Laser focussed recording on Joy
Joy cheatsheet
Bonus: Joy Exercise
Core emotions: tying it all together
Call 04
Bonus Tools: which one to choose?
Tool 1: Healing meditation
Tool 2: Forgiveness
Tool 3: Emotional Freedom Technique
Tool 4: Slowing down negative momentum
Tool 5: Using the Violet Flame in relationship clearing
About this course
- €999,00
- 31 lessons
- 12 hours of video content
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