Course Description

Hey gorgeous people,

Next Dark Moon Healing Circle will be all about meeting the Dark Goddess of Transformation.

When you work with the dark of the moon it’s the wisdom of the Dark Goddess that assist you.

Especially since we just had huge transformations through the eclipses and you may have had a lot of aha’s on valuing yourself and your gifts.

>> You may have seen to whom you gave the power away.
>> You may have refound a piece of yourself that you had long forgotten AND you want to step into the world more fully.

Whatever your personal aha’s or desires are: clarity is now available around what you’d like (or need!)  to transform.

And that’s what you’ll work with during this Dark Moon Moon Healing.

What will you receive? 
Live Healing (REPLAY AVAILABLE), Ritual Tips, Journal Pages and many Bonuses.

Please note there are limited spots available (the webinar equipment allows a certain amount of spots)

+ Awaken the power of transformation within yourself
+ Meet the Triple Goddess
+ Receive wisdom around themes and issues that came up for you

You can join for $19 as an early bird.

Extra Bonuses:
+ Journal Pages
+ Ritual Tips
+ Understanding the Dark Goddess
+ Dark Moon Meaning
+ Moon e-book

Working with the Dark Moon is one of the most powerful phases to blend in.

As most of you you know I work with the Moon cycles to optimise healing and manifesting and teach how to do this is MOON ENERGY.

If you are already in then this will deepen it. If you are not but love to experience Moon Phase Healing then it will give you a great taste (and huge benefit since I normally only do these type of group healings in workshops worth $97)

Ready to join?

I’m very excited to have you meet the Dark Goddess. She has many names and qualities and as always: the type of Goddess will pick you.

So we”ll open up to the lessons you’ve learned last month and we”ll ask for assistance with your personal transformation.

This is the last Dark Moon Healing for now.
You can join as an early bird for $19 .

If you are a member then I’ll automatically add you to all of this month’s content and extra’s like journal sheets, ritual tips and more.

We”ll meet during the last of this moon months’ phase on Monday the 4th of February.

The Moon will disappear from the sky the 4th in the evening in Europe.

Spiritual coach, teacher, published author

Laura Diane Soer

Laura Soer is a practical spirituality coach that helps people connect to their authentic self and authentic creativity, so decisions come from you and you are connected to your own power. She has 25+ years spiritual experience and learned from Shaman, Druid and Wiccan teachers. She worked over 16 years as a high profile magazine and newspaper journalist for titles like Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan (and has a journalism degree), was co-author of a travel guide, has taught creative writing and is a certified Life Coach. Work with me one on one: Clarity readings, Akashic Healing, Clear Blocks, Alignment and more on As a coach I approach your questions on all levels and layers; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. That combination will transform things for you. In life and in business.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome audio!

    • What to expect

    • Replay Dark Moon Healing Circle

    • Date, time and LINK to the Dark Moon Healing Circle

    • About Laura

  • 2

    Dark Moon PDF

    • Understand the Phase

  • 3

    The Dark Goddess

    • The Dark Goddess and the Dark Moon

  • 4

    BONUS: Visual of the Moon Phases and the Goddess

    • The Goddess and the Moon Visual

  • 5

    Bonus: Transformation Journal Sheets

    • Audio with the reflection exercise

    • Journal Sheets

  • 6

    MAGICK: 3 Transformation Ritual Tips

    • Easy Ritual: Transformation Magick tips

    • Video: setting up an easy altar and picking a colour for your goals

  • 7

    BONUS Moon Goodies

    • BONUS: Lunar Eclipse recording and Themes you may have noticed

    • BONUS: What to expect 2019

    • Download the Moon Phases E-book

    • Links to articles on the Moon

    • BONUS: Connect to the Goddess meditation

    • Video: Dark Moon Versus New Moon

    • Recording: The Actual New Moon Energy and letting it emerge