Course Description

🔥 Taking the actions that support your business growth

🔥 Intuitively knowing what next step to take

🔥 Moving your energy from scared to opportunity

🔥 Removing frustration and feelings of failure to trust

🔥 Becoming aware of behaviours that support your business and joyfully work with them

Energy work is “my thing”.
I know and see what’s in the way and why that’s the case. Emotional energy in the body creates certain experiences and outcomes. 

If you are an empath, healer and live life through FEELINGS then you do need more care with your emotions than others.

Yes. You can manifest super quickly.

And you need to learn how to get out of the own way.

You need to “feel it”.

And when you do you get quick results.

It’s also the other way around for you.

If you feel things intensely then you can also stop yourself.

So what if you could FEEL IT and stop making business and your business decisions personal? 

My healing techniques cone from shamanic and witchcraft backgrounds and I use Akashic Records energy clearing.

People rave about the effects they have. As a healer it’s about creating the space to receive what’s needed.

So that’s not up to me. The Akashic Records guides will always know what next step to take.

The Akashic Records hold all information of your soul. The energy is very high and cleansing and one of the easiest ways to shift energy.

The past days I’ve tested working with daily 20-30 minute healings to move out of your own way. 

It’s been brilliant and I’ve definitely been taking actions I would normally put on the bottom of the list. Or not even think of.

And they are helping me with having MORE EASE

EXPERIENCING MORE BALANCE in the amount of work I do

The capacity TO FINISH: a lot of the things that were left hanging are finally getting done.

Join me for 7 days of Business Unblock Bootcamp. 

Move out of your own way and kickstart your projects.

The Healing Energy will work for you specifically on what YOU NEED.

You just start the day with the energy healing and then go from there.

There will be a private FACEBOOK GROUP



Sharing your actions and being connected with others will help you with next steps.

The price I’ve received is only $79. I’ll keep that open as an early bird.

We start Monday the 4th of June.

If you want in on $79 then follow the link below. On Saturday it will go up to $199.

Private Akashic Healings with me start at $199 or $599 as a business support package.

If you choose the VIP-option you get a 2-hour Akashic session with me as a bonus.

People always experience more freedom, inner peace, job offers and more after working together.  

There are hundreds of testimonials on the energy work I do.

If you’ve experienced it before then you know you the drill.

Join for 7 days through the link. That’s a daily deep healing for less than $12.

Spiritual coach, teacher, published author Laura Diane Soer

Laura Soer is a practical spirituality coach that helps people connect to their authentic self and authentic creativity, so decisions come from you and you are connected to your own power. She has 25+ years spiritual experience and learned from Shaman, Druid and Wiccan teachers. She worked over 16 years as a high profile magazine and newspaper journalist for titles like Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan (and has a journalism degree), was co-author of a travel guide, has taught creative writing and is a certified Life Coach. Work with me one on one: Clarity readings, Akashic Healing, Clear Blocks, Alignment and more on As a coach I approach your questions on all levels and layers; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. That combination will transform things for you. In life and in business.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video! Learn more about the type of healing and techniques

    2. Link to the Private Facebook Group

    1. PDF: Is this Normal? Understanding your Energy work experience

    2. PDF: How to best benefit from your Energy Healing Experience

    1. Day 01: Establishing the Connection and Receiving the Healing Energy needed

    2. Day 02: Unblocking the Path towards goals and dreams

    3. Day 03: Moving yourself out of the way some more

    4. Day 04: Doing "the thing".

    5. Day 05: Letting go of old experiences

    6. Day 06: What you *think* you should

    7. Day 07: Final Healing

    8. Q + A Bonus call

About this course

  • €79,00
  • 12 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Pricing options

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