Course Description

These meditations help you to release, heal, unblock and expand into more joy and abundance.

You will receive 6 meditations and 2 bonus meditations ( around 2 ½ hours of meditations)

To draw in

+ Retrieve your past gifts and talents (16 mins)

+ Open up for more joy and abundance(17:57)

+ Mindset enhancer: dare to dream up a bigger vision (Out of the Box) (18:28 minutes)

On release and healing:

+ Release Past Hurt (relationships) (20 mins)

+ Release anxiety & feeling stuck (25 mins)

+ Cord Cutting Plus meditation to help release energy that's tied to past connections (on all levels; career, environment, experiences, relationships). (22 minutes) 


1) Abundant Bee meditation: assists in shifting abundance blocks and activates a  wealth frequency for receiving more abundance from within.  

2) Inner Balance (Combining the energy of the Moon and Sun within) 

In total you will receive 2 ½ hours of meditations that help you clear, cleanse and open you up to experience more joy and happiness.

The meditation files are in MP3, downloadable and will be forever yours.

What others say about my meditations (read some of the reviews that were left on social media):

Spiritual coach, teacher, published author Laura Diane Soer

Laura Soer is a practical spirituality coach that helps people connect to their authentic self and authentic creativity, so decisions come from you and you are connected to your own power. She has 25+ years spiritual experience and learned from Shaman, Druid and Wiccan teachers. She worked over 16 years as a high profile magazine and newspaper journalist for titles like Marie Claire and Cosmopolitan (and has a journalism degree), was co-author of a travel guide, has taught creative writing and is a certified Life Coach. Work with me one on one: Clarity readings, Akashic Healing, Clear Blocks, Alignment and more on As a coach I approach your questions on all levels and layers; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. That combination will transform things for you. In life and in business.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    1. Retrieve your past gifts and talents

    2. Ocean Meditation Abundance Joy

    3. Out of the Box meditation

    1. Cord Cutting Plus

    2. Release Old Hurt (relationships)

    3. Release anxiety & feeling stuck

    1. Spirit of Bee Abundance Meditation

    2. Rebalance The Feminine and Masculine within

About this course

  • €29,00
  • 9 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content